HDR Candidates

There are a number of postgraduate research candidates who are currently being supervised by SaGR members, including but not limited to:

PhD Students

Leisha Du Preez

Thesis Title: New Media and Young People: Responses to Responsibilisation?
Supervisors: Selda Dagistanli, Kate Huppatz

Alina Ewald

Thesis Title: Invisible Boundaries: An Examination of Fathers' Perspectives on Flexible Work Practices
Supervisors: Emilee Gilbert, Kate Huppatz

Kathryn Louise Gelding

Thesis Title: What happens when young children engage with contemporary urban indigenous Australian Art
Supervisors: Kerry Robinson, Christine Jones Diaz

Bijan Kardouni

Thesis Title: The Relationships between the Cultural and Social Norms and Homophobia: A Case Study of the Middle East Contemporary Shared Sociocultural Factors
Supervisors: Peter Bansel, Kate Huppatz, Selda Dagistanli

Bushra Malik

Thesis Title: Does technology enabled Adolescent Girls development intervention Matter? A case study of Bangladesh
Supervisors: Kerry Robinson, Mary Hawkins, Jenna Condie

Bridget Mottram

Thesis Title: Out of Control and Vulnerable: Contextualising women’s reponsibility for their perpetration of intimate partner violence.
Supervisors: Kate Huppatz, Selda Dagistanli

Amrita Mukhopadhyay

Thesis Title: Money and Domestic Violence: An Ecological Study of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 (PWDVA)
Supervisors: Michael Salter, Kate Huppatz, Mary Hawkins

Kathyrn Newton

Thesis Title: Becoming Top Brass Mums: Exploring how Motherhood Affects Career Progression in the NSW Police Force
Supervisors: Kate Huppatz, Selda Dagistanli, Nichole Asquith

Daniel Perrell

Thesis Title: Queer Precarity and the Politics of Vulnerability
Supervisors: Kerry Robinson, Peter Bansel, Tania Ferfolja

Rosemary Shorter

Thesis Title: Protestant Reformations, Cultural Revolutions: In a Supposedly Post-Christian Australia, how does Protestant Christianity Contribute to and Interact with the Construction of Normative Cultural Ideals of Gendered and Sexual Behaviour?
Supervisors: Cristina Rocha, Kate Huppatz

Katja Strehle

Thesis Title: Inclusion and Gender Politics in Non-Religious Groups in Australia: a women’s perspective.
Supervisors: Cristina Rocha, Selda Dagistanli, Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Thi Tho Vu

Thesis Title: Improving the quality of lives for Vietnamese single mothers: from the perspective of social policy
Supervisors: Kate Huppatz, Helena Onnodottir

Master of Research Students

Martha Graham

Supervisors: Kerry Robinson

Valenty Mai

Supervisors: Kerry Robinson

Liz Schmidt

Supervisors: Kerry Robinson, Nichole Georgeou

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