A showcase of Data Analysis in Python and R: A case study using COVID-19 data

Event Name
A showcase of Data Analysis in Python and R: A case study using COVID-19 data
11 August 2020
12:30 pm - 01:30 pm

Address (Room): Zoom


In all fields of research we are being confronted with a deluge of data; data that needs cleaning and transformation to be used in further analysis. This webinar demonstrates the effective use of programming tools for an initial analysis of COVID-19 datasets, with examples using both R and Python. Webinar Topics Cleaning up a dataset for analysis Using Jupyter lab for interactive analysis Making the most of the tidyverse (R) and pandas (python) Simple data visualisation using ggplot (R) and seaborn (python) Best practices for readable code This webinar is open to anyone (not just to Intersect member universities).

Speakers: Intersect Trainers

Web page: https://intersect.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K17-lXs2Q3WioKKUWBazog

Name: Jeff Wang


Phone: 0456 269 623

School / Department: Research Services