Information for Supporters

Congratulations, you’ve been nominated as someone’s Supporter!

A transcription of the video can be found here.

We asked some students to nominate a person who they thought could help them succeed this semester. If you received our SMS, that means they chose you!

We’ve got this helpful video for Supporters (located above) to learn more about the project.

You will receive SMS messages, designed to encourage you to start a conversation about uni with your nominee. We’ll send you the text with helpful prompts, all you have to do is have a conversation with them! Simple!


5 Tips for Supporters

  • Be present: arrange a time that works for you both each week, and
    make sure you give them your full attention. 
  • Open questions: start by asking the weekly suggested questions, sent to you via SMS, and then follow up with other open questions (e.g. avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or no). 
  • Offer support in different ways: from asking them about their studies or what connections they’ve made at uni, to helping them prepare for exams, to simply being there to listen to them and provide encouragement. Remember, you’re their weekly BOOST! 
  • Specificity helps: help them to set plans about how and when to study, and ask them to be as specific as possible about what they’ve learnt and any current challenges they’re facing. 
  • Try each week: it’s important to maintain momentum and regular contact, so try to speak every week until the end of the Semester. Think back to your previous conversations and follow-up on topics or issues you have discussed before. 

For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions, the Participant Information Statement, or contact