In the media

22 September 2020

Researchers from NICM Health Research Institute commented over the last three months on topics from COVID-19 and good hygiene practices in a pandemic, to mental health, medicinal cannabis, and kava.

Key highlights include:

  • In September, Professor Jerome Sarris featured in American media outlet Healio in regards to Omega-3 supplements and depression. He has also provided commentary on Kava and the current evidence in use in media outlets such as Onya Magazine, Kiddipedia, The Market Herald. Late in July Professor Sarris’ research featured in Nutra Ingredients-Asia on the topic of Ayurvedic cannabis from his paper in BMC Psychiatry ‘Medicinal cannabis for psychiatric disorders’.
  • Adjuncts Professor Kerryn Phelps and Associate Professor Vicki Kotsirilos commented in various media outlets in July and August on wearing masks, good hygiene and the importance of social distancing with COVID-19. Key highlights included ABC Radio News, 7.30 Report, The Daily Telegraph, 7NEWS, Sky News Australia, Press From AU, MSN Australia, Neos Kosmos, Child Mags, The Herald Sun, and Kidspot.
  • Dr Mike Armour provided commentary to ABC Life in the story Getting support at work when you have your period. Dr Armour discusses breaking down menstrual stigma, along with his research in the space and recent survey findings.
  • Justin Sinclair spoke with Retail Pharmacy on the topic of medicinal cannabis.
  • In August, Associate Professor Genevieve Steiner featured in a Croakey write up focusing on the topic of dementia care.
  • Professor Dennis Chang and Justin Sinclair also featured in The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney podcast, Branch Out,(opens in a new window) talking in depth about the latest medicinal cannabis research and traditional Chinese medicine studies underway to treat dementia and endometriosis.
  • Adjunct Associate Professor Jennifer Hunter’s MJA paper was covered by Retail Pharmacy Magazine.
  • Adjunct Reseach Fellow, Dr Joseph Firth’s past papers on diet and depression, and the also on the internet, appeared in CTNews, Bodu Nu,, The Everygirl, Teles Relay, and Medscape.