New book calls for changes to education system

Table and chairs

A new book co-edited by Western Sydney University’s Associate Professor David Cole asserts that a radical change to the education system is vital to addressing current global issues such as climate change.

According to Dr Cole, a researcher at the Institute for Culture and Society and Centre for Educational Research, the current education system must undergo a drastic shift in order to overcome the challenges brought about by globalization.

“It is vital that we change our previous ways of thinking and move away from systems of the past such as those embodied within teaching and learning at all levels,” says Dr Cole.

“We cannot act merely individually, locally, or even nationally to solve the problems of globalisation that we have created. We must change the very systems through which knowledge is created and managed today.”

Dr Cole uses the example of snail spiral murals in Mexico to illustrate how we can benefit from thinking, acting and living differently.

“In the state of Chiapas adults paint snail murals on walls for their children. The snail image represents slowing down and returning to the basics of life, for example, reading paper books rather than looking at screens. The shell’s spiral shape is significant in that it is flexible and open to adaption.

“Likewise, the education system would benefit from thinking outside the box and combining old and new knowledge.”

The mural study is just one of the cases considered in the book as it presents a new approach to education through 14 thought experiments.

“This work is a truly global response to the most pressing issues of today,” says Dr Cole.

“It answers important questions about how we can change the settings within which we are currently placed and how can we act collectively again.”

Principles of Transversality in Globalization and Education will be launched on Wednesday 12 September at Western Sydney University’s Parramatta South Campus. Find more information about the launch on the Institute for Culture and Society website.


10 September 2018