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Kids need to learn about cybersecurity, but teachers only have so much time in the day

Last week, the personal informational of thousands of clients of a large ASX listed company was inadvertently leaked to the dark web. A few days later, our very own parliament house computer system was hacked.

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Curious Kids: how does my tummy turn food into poo?

How does my tummy turn the food I eat into poo? – Luke, age 4. Hi Luke. What a terrific question! The story of how your food ends up as poo is an amazing one.

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#MeToo catches up with spiritual healers the case of brazils john of god

We’ve seen countless spiritual leaders and religious institutions embroiled in sexual abuse scandals around the globe.

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Don’t bank on Dollarmites to teach financial literacy: here are our alternatives

The recent royal commission into banking has revealed rampant wrongdoing by the big banks. As a result, there is renewed public interest in school banking schemes.

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Explainer: how does a vasectomy work and can it be reversed?

Some men may shudder at the thought of “the snip”. But vasectomies are a safe and effective form of contraception for men who have completed their family, or don’t wish to have children.

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Feral cat cull: why the 2 million target is on scientifically shaky ground

The Australian government’s target of killing 2 million feral cats by 2020 attracted significant public interest and media attention when it was unveiled in 2015.

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When water is scarce, we can’t afford to neglect the alternatives to desalination

The second of two articles looking at the increasing reliance of Australian cities on desalination plants to supply drinking water, with less emphasis on the alternatives of water recycling and demand management.

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Cities turn to desalination for water security, but at what cost?

This is the first of two articles looking at the increasing reliance of Australian cities on desalination to supply drinking water. So what is the best way forward to achieve urban water security?

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