Expert opinion

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Opinion: When health workers came up against COVID it laid bare gaps in their training

COVID-19 turned 2020 on its head for all healthcare workers, particularly those at the front line of the pandemic response.

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Opinion: 3 out of 10 girls skip class because of painful periods. And most won’t talk to their teacher about it

More than one-third of young women in a nationwide survey said they missed at least one class, either at school or university, in the past three months due to menstrual symptoms.

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Opinion: Hope and religion in a time of crisis: evidence from Colombia and South Africa

Strict lock-down regulations, that have been implemented during the COVID-19, pandemic have broad implications for well-being. In many countries, businesses and other operations had to adjust or close.

Expert drives unprecedented ‘call for action’ on infant and young child feeding during emergencies

Dr Karleen Gribble, an infant feeding expert from Western Sydney University, has joined leading health organisations to call for better support of infant and young children feeding during emergencies.

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Opinion: Young people are exposed to more hate online during COVID. And it risks their health

COVID has led to children spending more time on screens using social networks, communication apps, chat rooms and online gaming.

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Opinion: Gail Jones: Australian literature is chronically underfunded — here’s how to help it flourish

Literary culture carries profound social value. In general terms it is essential to employment, cultural literacy and understanding of community, as well as to Australia’s post-pandemic recovery.

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Opinion: When it comes to heritage, family history trumps museums

Heritage has significance. But heritage — collections, buildings, archaeological sites, cultural traditions and other intangible traces of the past — matters in different ways to different people.

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Opinion: A viral hit? The sequence of coronavirus makes surprisingly lovely music

All my life I’ve been involved in music and molecular biology. At the crossroads between science and art, I see great scope for insight.

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