More on truncation

Here are some more examples of truncation.

  • Truncate $556.817$ to give a whole number.
    Answer: it is $556$. We just ignore the digits after the decimal point.
  • Truncate $-556.817$ to give a whole number.
    Answer: it is $-556$. Weignore the digits after the decimal point.
  • Truncate $13.42$ to give a whole number.
    Answer: It is $13$ because we ignore the $.42$.
  • Truncate $-13.42$ to give a whole number.
    Answer: $-13$.
  • Truncate $0.9765625$ to give a number with (a) $1$ decimal place, (b) $4$ decimal places, (c) $6$ decimal places.
    Answer: (a) The answer is $0.9$. (b)  The answer is $0.9765$. (c) The answer is $0.976562$.
More practice questions
Truncate $1026.3847$ to give an integer.
Truncate $-1026.3847$ to give a whole number.
Truncate $54.78$ to $1$ decimal place.
Truncate $-54.78$ to $1$ decimal place.
Truncate $2.55$ to give a whole number.
Truncate $2.55$ to 1 decimal place.