Felipe Ulloa Gutierrez


Felipe is a Senior Technical Officer at the MARCS institute. Felipe provides support with electrical/electronics, including the design, implementation and testing of sensors and support of software-driven electronic devices and experimental equipment control systems, to integrate these with data acquisition systems and provide general electrical/electronics support.

Position Responsibilities:

- Design custom electrical, electronic and electromechanical devices with hardware and software-based
control systems.
- Integrate research equipment with computer-based data acquisition systems.
- Develop, maintain and implement technical protocols.
- Provide general electrical/electronics support to members of ICNS, as required.
- Stay abreast of developments in scientific equipment and computer hardware and software in the
relevant research areas in order to provide technical advice and recommendations to researchers.
- Monitor and maintain the performance of scientific equipment and computer hardware and software to
ensure optimal operating efficiency and minimal downtime; upgrading software and hardware as required.

Centre/Lab: International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems


  • Master of Engineering, Western Sydney University
  • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Hons), Universidad del Valle (Colombia)

Contact Felipe

Email f.ulloa@westernsydney.edu.au
Location Western Sydney University Penrith campus (Werrington South)
Room BA.2.01