Sample Questions

Equations Sample Question:

Practice Questions

  1. A company has assets of \$60,500 and equity of \$29,750. What is the company's liability? Hint: Assets (A) = Liabilities (L) + Equity (E)
  2. A company has liabilities of \$75,350 and assets of \$124,650. What is the company's equity? Hint: Assets (A) = Liabilities (L) + Equity (E)
  3. Sam earns \$636.50 per week and works for 38 hours. What is his hourly rate?
  4. Shop A sells a car part \$9 cheaper than Shop B. If Shop B sells the same part for \$86.50, how much does Shop A sell it for?
  5. A company manufactures cheap running shoes. If they make \$25 net profit per shoe, how many shoes do they need to manufacture to make a total net profit of \$3,500?

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