Technology Enabled Learning

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The Digital Futures Team supports technology enabled learning activities across schools and institutes. Teams from the Digital Futures staff will be coordinated centrally then assigned to School projects that have been scoped and planned through careful needs analysis.

Cross functional teams will be constructed to address and support specific school needs. When assigned, project teams will hot-desk out of the Schools they are supporting, coordinating remotely with, and supported by, Digital Futures’ central team leadership.

The new team will be available to:

  • Provide end-to-end alignment/coordination of digital initiatives;
  • Provide enhanced connection to University Learning & Teaching initiatives.
  • Enable improved prioritisation and management of initiatives.
  • Consistent support for current activities and opportunities to scale and propagate best practice.
  • Support initiatives designed to increase student load, and student retention through effective implementation of technologies, learning science principles and new pedagogies;
  • Consistency of output across Schools of unit design and delivery, improving the student experience.
  • Quantifiable metrics illustrating improvement and areas for improvement (in course design and materials development) via the Quality Matters rubric.
  • Support delivery of academic of staff development for technology initiatives (in collaboration with the Learning Transformations team)
  • Develop and implement the University Learning Analytics Strategy.
  • Oversee and evolve the design of new tech-enabled learning spaces.
  • Develop reports on application of eLearning.
  • Review performance of eLearning technologies.
  • Evolve initiatives that will potentially increase access and retention.

Find out more about the team in the Technology Enabled Learning Flyer. (PDF, 5322.21 KB)(opens in a new window) and on the Innovation in Digital Education(opens in a new window) website.

Stay tuned for more updates on how to engage with the Digital Futures Team in 2018.

Learning Futures.NOW. Issue 3.

-November 2017-