

Transforming Curriculum, Academic Practice and Institutional Culture

Launched in July 2019, the next stage of the 21C Project builds on the University community’s work over the last two years which has prototyped our strategies to transform our courses to develop the transdisciplinary ‘hybrid’ capabilities that our students need to create a successful future for themselves and their communities. Read more in Ready (opens in a new window)and  Set (opens in a new window). The 21C Project reflects our commitment as an anchor institution for the communities of Western Sydney and our recognised national and international leadership in relation to championing just and responsible social change (opens in a new window) through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The next stage of 21C will extend our transdisciplinary curriculum builds at scale and initiate new work to support 21C academics and grow a new 21C institutional teaching culture that sustains curriculum and teaching innovation.

  • We will develop new transdisciplinary curriculum which leverages partnership pedagogy (PDF, 299.54 KB) (opens in a new window) and our new flexible degree architectures to offer students new learning opportunities through Curiosity Pods (PDF, 63.2 KB) (opens in a new window), new 21C Sub-majors and new Combined Degrees, to complement their program of studies and equip students with 21C Capabilities for the future of work and society (opens in a new window).
  • This work is being organised around a series of 21C Challenges (PDF, 445.65 KB) (opens in a new window) to develop curriculum to equip our students as Future Thinkers, Innovative Entrepreneurs, Global Citizens and Sustainability Advocates.
  • New leadership opportunities are available for staff as Curriculum Champions and Fellows (PDF, 159.11 KB) (opens in a new window), and for Students Curriculum Partners (opens in a new window) to lead and participate in teams engaged in this curriculum development.
  • This development will be supported with Curriculum Makerspaces (opens in a new window) and by the teams in Learning Futures and Digital Futures.
  • We will create a new national and international presence for the University with prestigious Curriculum Challenge Visiting Scholars and new high-profile curriculum partnerships and collaborations.
  • We will implement the new agile curriculum management systems, policies, and process innovations (opens in a new window), currently under development by teams across the university, to allow us to rapidly deliver relevant and responsive programs and innovative teaching.
  • We will establish a Western Teaching Academy to recognise the achievements of our outstanding teachers, which will incorporate a new university wide collegial peer review of curriculum and teaching scheme (opens in a new window) and our expanded participation in the Western Educational Fellowship Scheme.

If you have a query about these 21C projects, please 21C@westernsydney.edu.au.

If you are interested in learning more about the Curriculum Challenges, please register your interest (opens in a new window).