
E-Update is a daily news bulletin service for staff. E-Updates are submitted by staff and an email with a summary of the day's E-Updates is sent to a staff subscriber list each weekday morning.

E-Updates are published in the daily news bulletin on the start date specified by the submitter, and displayed on the University Intranet until the end date.


Staff can subscribe to E-Update to receive the daily news bulletin. Enter your staff email address in the 'E-Update Daily News email message' box in the bottom left corner and hit 'submit'.


  • Messages can be displayed on the University Intranet for up to one month.
  • If you require an E-Update to be published in the daily news bulletin on more than one day, you must submit a separate announcement for each day. Please note that the same announcement cannot be published in the daily news bulletin for two or more consecutive days – there needs to be at least one day's break in between.
  • E-Updates must be submitted before 12.00pm to ensure it will be published the next working day.
  • E-Updates can be submitted in advance.
  • E-Updates can include attachments.
  • Use http:// at the front of a URL if you want it to appear as a clickable link.
  • Messages relating to advertising the sale of goods should use only the "Social and non-work specific announcements" category. These messages will not appear in the daily email but will be on the E-Update webpage.
  • E-Update cannot be used to advertise an independent business venture or the sale of goods not owned by a University staff member.
  • Political or religious messages endorsing a particular philosophy cannot be published on E-Update.
  • The E-Update moderator reserves the right to edit long messages or to decline to publish unsuitable messages.
  • All E-Updates must comply with the Western Sydney University Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy (opens in a new window) and the Western Sydney University Code of Conduct (opens in a new window).

Submit an E-Update

Staff can submit an E-Update by completing the online submission form (opens in a new window).

You will receive an automated email when your E-Update is approved. If, for any reason, your E-Update needs to be declined, an Internal Communications team member will contact you.


For more information about E-Update, or if you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Communications Team.

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