Emeritus Professor David Rowe Awarded ICA's The Legacy Scholar Award

Congratulations to Emeritus Professor David Rowe who has been awarded the International Communication Association's (ICA) The Legacy Scholar Award for a sustained program of research that has significantly shaped the scholarly field of sport communication at the highest level.

The ICA was founded in 1950 to advance the scholarly study of human communication by encouraging and facilitating excellence in academic research worldwide. It has more than 4,500 members in 80 countries and is officially associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental association (NGO).

David was due to be presented with The Legacy Scholar Award at the Association's 70th Annual Conference, originally scheduled to be held on the Gold Coast in May. However due to COVID-19 restrictions, the conference was run as a virtual event. The award was announced at the virtual conference and will be physically presented to David at the 2021 ICA Conference in Denver, USA.

26 May 2020.