Doctor Kamrul Hassan


Graduated PhD 2022

Thesis Title

Effects of Prolonged Drought on Plant-soil Feedbacks and Implications for Plant Community Dynamics

Research Project

Climate change is known to influence both plants aboveground and the soil biota belowground; however, it is unclear how this will affect the interactions among these tightly linked communities. Specifically, climate change impacts on belowground assemblages via effects on individual plant species and edaphic properties can cause shifts in plant-soil feedbacks (PSFs) that in turn alter plant community dynamics with potential long term impacts. My assumption is that climatic changes, and in particular drought, alter aboveground-belowground linkages, including shifts in PSFs, with potential implications for plant species diversity and ecosystem functioning. For example, shifts in soil assemblage structure and activity under drought may slow down litter decomposition and contribute to immobilization of soil nutrients, which in turn will reduce plant growth. Our ability to predict drought impacts on ecosystems is, however, still limited by insufficient knowledge of plant-soil biotic interactions. For this reason, the overarching aims of my PhD project are to i) explore the impact of drought on PSFs at a species and community level across plant functional groups; ii) measure the role of historical rainfall condition in moderating potential effects of drought on PSF; iii) Assess shifts in PSF governed by insect herbivory (foliar and root) under drought conditions and, lastly, iv) investigating litter and microbially mediated influence on PSF under drought conditions.

Google scholar: (opens in a new window)

  1. Research Training Programme (RTP) Scholarship for PhD Research at Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Richmond 2753, NSW, Australia.
  2. Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) for studying MSc in Plant Sciences, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands.

Bristol D, Hassan K, Blankinship JC, Nielsen UN, (2023) 'Responses of nematode abundances to increased and reduced rainfall under field conditions: A meta-analysis', Ecosphere, vol.14, no.1, Article no.e4364

Ahmed T, Hasan MM, Hassan K, Ahmed JD, Ahmed KSD, Azam A, Mondal MF, (2022) 'Fruit bagging of custard apple (Annona reticulata) as an eco-friendly protection approach against mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis) infestation in the north-eastern Bangladesh', International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, vol.42, pp 723–732

Hassan K, Carrillo Y, Nielsen UN, (2022) 'Prolonged drought causes negative plant-soil feedbacks in grassland species under field conditions', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol.172, Article no.108772

Hassan K, Dastogeer KMG, Carrillo Y, Nielsen UN, (2022) 'Climate change-driven shifts in plant-soil feedbacks: a meta-analysis', Ecological Processes, vol.11, no.1, Article no.64

Hassan K, Carrillo Y, Nielsen UN, (2021) 'The effect of prolonged drought legacies on plant–soil feedbacks', Journal of Vegetation Science, vol.32, no.6, e13100

Mondal MF, Ahmed J, Hassan K, Khan MA, (2021) 'First report of litchi stink bug (Tessaratoma javanica Thunberg) outbreak in Bangladesh', International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, vol.41, pp 383-387

Dev S, Hassan K, Claes J, Mozahid MN, Khatun H, Mondal MF, (2020) 'Practices of entomophagy and entomotherapy in Bangladesh', Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, vol.6, no.5, pp 515-524

Hassan K, Akter N, Mondal FM, Pervin M, (2018) ‘Foliar spray of benzoic acids on pollinators behavior and plant fitness benefits’, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, vol.6, pp 1270-1276


A/Professor Uffe N. Nielsen and Dr. Yolima Carrillo