Section 3: Recruiting Students

Effective recruitment strategies are vital in attracting student participation in learning abroad programs. This section provides an overview of tools and communication strategies available to project leaders and support staff to maximize student engagement.

Maximizing Student Engagement with the Go Global Portal (Terra Dotta)

Why Use the Go Global Portal?

The Go Global Portal is not just a beneficial tool; it's a compulsory aspect of program management and the student recruitment strategy. Here's why it's indispensable:

  • Streamlined Recruitment Process: The portal's intuitive interface dramatically simplifies the complexities of application management and student communication, making the recruitment process smoother and more efficient for staff.
  • Enriched Student Experience: With its user-friendly design, the portal offers students a seamless experience where they can easily explore various programs, understand their prerequisites, and complete essential pre-departure steps. This accessibility enhances their overall engagement and readiness for international study.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Leverage the power of analytics within the portal to inform and refine your recruitment strategies. By analysing student preferences and trends, you can make data-driven decisions that align with your goals.
  • Mandatory for Compliance and Consistency: Using the Go Global Portal is a mandatory requirement, ensuring that all program advertising, student applications, and pre-departure preparations adhere to university and government standards and regulations. This uniformity is crucial for maintaining high standards of program quality, safety, and compliance.

Portal Features

  • Dedicated Webpages: Create engaging brochures and online applications.
  • Comprehensive Management: Efficiently manage program administration, from selection to pre-departure.
  • Health and Safety Compliance: Ensure adherence to policy acknowledgments and health information sharing.

Comprehensive Learning Modules in the Go Global Portal for Students

When students submit an application via the Go Global Portal, they complete learning modules and questionnaires on various important topics, ensuring they are well-prepared for their study abroad experience. These modules are designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of studying abroad. The following areas are covered in detail:

  • Conditions of Participation: Students are informed about the expectations and responsibilities associated with participating in an overseas programme. This includes adherence to both local laws and Western Sydney University policies.
  • Academic Approval: The portal outlines the process for obtaining academic approval, ensuring that the overseas study aligns with their degree requirements.
  • Mental Health: Resources and guidelines are provided to help students maintain mental health while abroad. Information on available support services, both on-site and remotely, is also included.
  • Go Global Grant: Detailed information on the Go Global Grant, including eligibility and application procedures, assists students in their financial preparations for the journey.
  • OS-HELP: Students receive guidance on the OS-HELP loan scheme, which supports international study expenses, covering aspects such as eligibility and application processes.
  • Centrelink Payments: For those receiving Centrelink benefits, the portal explains how to ensure the continuity of these payments while studying abroad.
  • International SOS (ISOS): This section introduces students to ISOS services, emphasising access to support for health, safety, and emergency situations.
  • Passports and Travel Visas: Essential information on passport validity and the visa application process.
  • Cultural Awareness in Learning Abroad: This module enhances students’ understanding and respect for the cultural norms and practices of their host country.
  • Vaccinations: Advises students on necessary vaccinations and health preparations.
  • Bullying and Cyber-Harassment: Addresses the recognition, prevention, and response to bullying and cyber-harassment, ensuring students' safety in both online and offline environments.
  • Child Protection: Educates students on the importance of child protection, particularly relevant for those who will be working with minors during their learning abroad programs.
  • Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH): This critical module focuses on educating students about recognising, preventing, and reporting sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in an international context.

These modules are integral to preparing our students for the diverse challenges and opportunities they may encounter while learning abroad. By completing these modules, students not only gain knowledge but also develop a deeper understanding and respect for different cultures and environments. We encourage all staff to familiarise themselves with this information, which can be found in Section 5: Pre-departure Orientation.

WSI Support for the Go Global Portal

WSI staff will provide comprehensive support, including:

  • In-Depth Consultation: Collaborative efforts with project leaders to meet program objectives.
  • Brochure and Application Setup: Assistance in designing and setting up online materials.
  • Regular Updates: Timely updates on application statuses and student inquiries.
  • Effective Promotion: Use of platforms like Engage and vUWS to enhance program visibility.

Getting Started with the Go Global Portal

To list a program, initiate the process by submitting a brochure request through WesternNow. WSI will guide you through approval processes and program implementation.

We encourage you to visit the Go Global Portal to discover its full potential. For more information about the backend capabilities, please contact Western Sydney International.

Enhancing Outreach and Recruitment

  • Integration with vUWS for Wider Reach
  • WSI will feature your project on the Go Global vUWS page, which is accessible to all students.
  • Consider contacting your school to include the opportunity on a School vUWS site.

Additional promotional strategies

  • Design a handout for distribution at lectures and across campus
  • Establish an online presence – share your program details on platforms like Yammer and various social media channels
  • Craft a concise, one-page PowerPoint presentation for brief introduction at the beginning of lectures and for distribution among colleagues
  • Encourage current and past students to promote your program on their social media networks
  • Organise information sessions to provide detailed insights about the program

Ensuring Ethical Advertising and Transparency

Adhere to ACCC guidelines, avoid misleading claims, and communicate program costs clearly, excluding airfares.

Application Timeline and Logistics

Student recruitment must be finalised 60 working days before departure (equivalent to approximately 12 weeks or 3 months).

Due to administrative and logistical requirements, including the payment of invoices, applications should not be re-opened after the agreed closing date.

Students may require OS-HELP, which can  take up to 25 working days to process (slightly more than a month).

After the closing date, WSI will send the student information to the project leader for selection. Selected students will be required to complete several tasks which may include committing to the program, paying deposit and final payment, and provide other details for travel bookings.

Student Selection Process

There are many different methods used to evaluate students for an overseas experience. This may include assessing academic achievement, Grade Point Average, a statement of purpose, knowledge about a country or program etc. When creating your online brochure, WSI will discuss the method you would like to use and how students will be selected.

Commitment and Financial Considerations

To book flights, a significant non-refundable deposit is often necessary (refer to Step 4: Booking Travel). Therefore, confirming student commitment to the program is crucial. It's advisable to obtain a non-refundable deposit from all participants through the Payments portal, ensuring their engagement. This aspect should be addressed in discussions with WSI.

Deposits, Cancellations, and Refund Policies

Establish clear cancellation and refund policies. Decide on the necessity and amount of program deposits, and ensure participants are informed of these policies.

Sample Policy Statements

  • Cancellation and Refund Policy: Outline liabilities for program deposits and penalties upon cancellation.
  • Fee Change Statement: Communicate potential fee variations due to external factors.
  • Program Cancellation Statement: Clarify the university's rights to cancel programs for various reasons.

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Leader

School | Department

Western Sydney International (WSI)

Finalising details for the student application process, which includes providing details on:

  • Program overview
  • Academic information
  • Relevant study areas/disciplines
  • Minimum GPA requirement (if applicable)
  • Dates (start/end)
  • Closing date (3 months PRIOR to departure)
  • Student contributions including deposit and   final payments
  • Main contact for student enquiries

Requesting a brochure  through WesternNow.

Actively marketing the project and engaging with the student.

The School has the responsibility to assist the project leader in several key areas:

Creating an online presence for the project on platforms such as vUWS, Yammer, and other social media channels.

Arranging and reserving spaces for hosting informational sessions.

Facilitating communication with students regarding the project.

WSI's responsibilities include:

  • Conducting comprehensive consultations with   the project leader.
  • Establishing an online brochure and   application form.
  • Supplying the project leader with the   corresponding web link.
  • Regularly updating the project leader on   progress and developments.
  • Advertising the program through platforms like   Engage and vUWS.

Contact Us


For NCP and non-NCP Short Programs (new and existing programs):

  • Cammy Chan
  • Administrative Officer, Learning Abroad Government Programs
  • International Liaison Officer, New Colombo Plan
  • Email:

For strategic insights, new ideas, or industry-level advice on Learning Abroad: