Class details 2019

From Open Access to Social Scholarship: Evolving Scholarly Communication

Instructor: Alyssa Arbuckle (Associate Director of the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) at the University of Victoria)

The Open Access movement is gaining prominence around the world as advocates fight for open and free access to academic research. But what is open access research, exactly? And what happens after open access is established? This 1 day course will survey pertinent research in open access (OA) methods, theory, and implementation in the context of scholarly communication. The course will also look forward to open social scholarship practices and examine how they build on an OA foundation. Overall, we will consider the role of open knowledge dissemination and engagement in academia and at large. This course is geared toward students, librarians, scholars, publishers, government representatives, and any others who are invested in the open development and sharing of research output.

Bio: Alyssa Arbuckle is the Associate Director of the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) at the University of Victoria, where she serves as the Project Manager for the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership, and is a member of the Directorial Group and the Operational Team for the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI). Alyssa is also an interdisciplinary PhD Candidate at the University of Victoria, studying open social scholarship and its implementation. She holds a BA Honours in English from the University of British Columbia and an MA in English from the University of Victoria, where her previous studies centred around digital humanities, new media, and contemporary American literature. Currently, she explores open access, digital publishing, and how we can share academic research more broadly. To this end, Alyssa's work has appeared in Digital Studies, Digital Humanities Quarterly, KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies, and Scholarly and Research Communication, among other venues, and she has co-edited a book collection and accompanying website titled Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities.

Slides for the workshop can be downloaded here

Build a simple VR project

Instructor: Andrew Burrell (Lecturer in Visual Communication, University of Technology, Sydney)

This workshop series will introduce participants to the Unity game engine as a tool for creating interactive “serious games” and information visualisations. We will look in particular at how to think about, design and create projects for viewing in virtual reality headsets.

Session 1: Beginner part 1

How to set up your working environment (pc or mac) for working in Unity and a look at the basics of the Unity interface and. We will make a basic interactive scene in a 3D environment using the tools that Unity provides and look at how to extend Unity with other tools. We will also look at some of the unique design considerations when creating 3D scenes to be experienced in VR

Session 2: Beginner part 2

We will bring your newly created scene into VR and look more specifically at how to output your Unity project to both mobile VR (Google cardboard style) and higher end headsets, such as the Vive. We will also cover how to add text, audio and other media to your projects and discuss more complex interactions and navigation in 3D space.

Session 3: Intermediate part 1 (continues on from Beginner Part 2)

Using what we have learnt so far, we will look at creating a map based information visualisation, including how to read data into Unity from an external source (such as CSV) and how to use that data to build a visualisation specifically designed for virtual reality. (If you are confident you have the pre-existing skills from session 1&2 you are welcome to join us at this point)

Session 4: Intermediate part 2

We will continue working on your project from session 3 and allow time specific feedback and questions on your own projects.


Will be here:

Bio: Andrew Burrell is a practice-based researcher and educator exploring virtual and digitally mediated environments as a site for the construction, experience and exploration of memory as narrative. His ongoing research investigates the relationship between imagined and remembered narrative and how the multi-layered biological and technological encoding of human subjectivity may be portrayed within, and inform the design of, virtual and augmented environments. He is a lecturer in Visual Communication at the University of Technology Sydney, where he is also a founding member of the Speculative Narratives and Networks Studio.

Prototyping and Pitching Playfully Serious Games

Instructor: Erik Champion (UNESCO Chair of Cultural Heritage and Visualisation, Curtin University)

This half-day workshop brings together researchers and designers interested in evaluating and tackling issues in the simulation of places, events and cultures through computer game interaction. The format will begin with introductions and inspirations: are there particular ideas you would like to see in more playful form? The lecturer will give a brief overview of game types, game mechanics, how games can be used in the humanities, and simple, accessible tools and software to develop game prototypes, both physical and digital. The class will be divided into groups of four, who will spend the majority of time working on a simple game level prototype and will pitch their idea to class using physical or digital media. Please bring a laptop if possible, pen and paper but some game design props may be brought by the lecturer.

Max class size: 20

Bio: Erik Champion is a Professor and UNESCO Chair of Cultural Heritage and Visualisation at Curtin University, and Visualisation theme leader, Curtin Institute of Computation ( His recent books are Organic Design in Twentieth-Century Nordic Architecture (Routledge, 2019), Critical Gaming: Interactive History and Virtual Heritage for Routledge’s Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities Series (2015), Playing with the Past (Springer, 2011), he edited Game Mods: Design, Theory and Criticism (ETC Press, 2012) and he was co-editor of Cultural Heritage Infrastructures in Digital Humanities (Routledge, 2017). He has taught game design at University of Queensland and UNSW, and run game design workshops in the United States, Italy, Poland and Qatar

Introduction to data wrangling with R

Instructor: Juqiang Chen (MARCS institute, Western Sydney University)

Good data are somewhat alike but messy data are messy in different ways. This workshop aims to walk the audience through a streamlined workflow of data wrangling (importing data, cleaning data, transforming data) using popular R packages, such as dplyr and tidyr. It involves an introduction to basic concepts in data analysis, such as variables vs. observations, categorical vs. continuous variables, long vs. wide data. In addition, participants will learn how to (batch) import datasets, select and rename rows and columns, deal with missing data, generate new columns by computing the existing ones, and combine data frames. The pipe operator will be introduced to improve the efficiency and clarity of coding. Participants will also learn to write their own functions for data wrangling.  Exercises and challenges involve real life research problems. Preliminary experience with R will be helpful, though not required. Participants are required to download and install R and R studio before the workshop. Datasets for the workshop are available online before the workshop. Participants are welcomed to bring their own data and apply what they learn on the spot.

Instructor bio: I am a speech scientist working on cross-language lexical tone perception and production. I have rich experience dealing with experimental data and I am keen to help others with data wrangling, data visualization and statistical modelling problems. I aspire to promote a streamlined workflow with R packages to improve data analysis efficiency in quantitative analysis in the field of social science and linguistics.


Please install R and R studio before the workshop if you have not yet.

Step 1 Use this link [] to download R and select the proper version for your laptop.

Step 2 RStudio is an integrated development environment, or IDE, for R programming. Download and install it from [] The free version is powerful enough.

Please use this link to download the data for the workshop: In each blog post, there is a link to an e-book, in the first chapter of which you will a link to download the data.

Introduction to exploratory data analysis with R

Instructor: Juqiang Chen (MARCS institute, Western Sydney University)

This workshop will show how to use data transformation and visualization to explore your data in a systematic way, or in a statistical term, exploratory data analysis. Participants will learn to generate questions about the data, search for answers by transforming, visualizing and modeling the dataset, and use what they learn to further refine the questions and/or generate new questions. The workshop will start by exploring variations in (categorical and continuous) one variable and move on to investigate covariations among two or three variables. Participants will learn to produce summary tables (calculating mean or standard deviation etc. of one or multiple variables by one or more variables) and will also learn to draw figures with ggplot2. This workshop builds on some knowledge of data wrangling. Therefore, it is desirable that participants should take the Introduction to data wrangling with R, if they have no such knowledge. Participants are welcomed to bring their own data and apply what they learn on the spot.

Bio: I am a speech scientist working on cross-language lexical tone perception and production. I have rich experience dealing with experimental data and I am keen to help others with data wrangling, data visualization and statistical modelling problems. I aspire to promote a streamlined workflow with R packages to improve data analysis efficiency in quantitative analysis in the field of social science and linguistics.


Please install R and R studio before the workshop if you have not yet.

Step 1 Use this link [] to download R and select the proper version for your laptop.

Step 2 RStudio is an integrated development environment, or IDE, for R programming. Download and install it from [] The free version is powerful enough.

Please use this link to download the data for the workshop: In each blog post, there is a link to an e-book, in the first chapter of which you will a link to download the data.

Bring your spreadsheets to life

Instructor: Alan Downes (Macquarie University & UTS)

It is easy to be dazzled by recent innovations like big data and cloud computing. However, most data is small data and there is an amazing amount of power sitting in humble Excel.  If you have ever spent hours working in Excel on repetitive tasks, Visual Basic could make your life much easier.

This class is in two parts. Participants are welcome to attend either or both, as the specific emphasis in each class will depend on participants' backgrounds and interests.

Bio: I have recently completed my PhD in the Tangut language at Macquarie University (thesis available at ).  I am heavily into linguistics and study an array of languages.  I am a casual academic at two universities.  At UTS I teach “Fundamentals of Software Development”, which focusses on Java and UML modelling.  At Macquarie University I teach first year mathematics.  I am currently working on a Diploma in Sanskrit at ANU as well as the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning at UTS.  I also hold a CELTA teaching qualification and I am a presenter at the Sydney Language Festival .

I have twenty five years of experience as a professional software developer, mainly within the finance industry.  My original background is in actuarial studies and statistics.  I have been using Visual Basic within Excel since 1995.  The code behind my PhD thesis has mostly been written in Python, including a website at


The only software requirement is to have Excel installed.  Open-source alternatives to Excel won't work as there are differences in design and the programming environment is completely different.

D3 Visualisation

Instructor: Alan Downes (Macquarie University & UTS)

The D3 Javascript library has brought amazing visualisations to the browser for free. See the gallery at for some inspiring examples.  This option will cover the basics of working with this library, drawing on my experience in developing visualisations for the tax office and the finance department at UTS.

This course is in two parts. The first part is open to anyone, no matter your level of programming experience. The second part will be appropriate for people who completed the first part, or who attended last year's D3 class at DH Downunder, or for other people who have some experience with D3 already but wish to take it further.

Bio: I have recently completed my PhD in the Tangut language at Macquarie University (thesis available at ).  I am heavily into linguistics and study an array of languages.  I am a casual academic at two universities.  At UTS I teach “Fundamentals of Software Development”, which focusses on Java and UML modelling.  At Macquarie University I teach first year mathematics.  I am currently working on a Diploma in Sanskrit at ANU as well as the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning at UTS.  I also hold a CELTA teaching qualification and I am a presenter at the Sydney Language Festival .

I have twenty five years of experience as a professional software developer, mainly within the finance industry.  My original background is in actuarial studies and statistics.  I have been using Visual Basic within Excel since 1995.  The code behind my PhD thesis has mostly been written in Python, including a website at


If you have any trouble with the instructions below, or if they don't mean much to you and you are unsure how to follow them, please don't worry. Alan will assist you at the start of the class to get things up and running. But it will help if you can have a go beforehand if at all possible.

1. D3 needs to run from a web server - the security in browsers won't allow data file access otherwise.  Node can be installed from
Once this is installed, install the http-server package ( )
This can be installed by running the following command on the command line:
npm install http-server -g

It is then possible to start a web server from any directory just by navigating to the directory on the command line and typing

2. We will be writing code, so you will need some sort of text editor.  Which one you use is up to you, but here are a couple of options:
If you are using Windows, Notepad++ is good:

A full IDE ("integrated desktop environment") gives a few extra niceties like automatic code completion.  Eclipse is one possibility:
(install Eclipse IDE 2019-09). Once Eclipse is installed, launch it and go to Eclipse Marketplace ( through the Eclipse menu system)  Install "Eclipse Web Developer Tools"

Ethical Data Visualization: Taming Treacherous Data

Instructor: Katherine J. Hepworth (Assistant Professor of Visual Journalism, The Reynolds School of Journalism; Research Director, Visualizing Science Project and Co-Director, Nevada Center for Data and Design (NDAD))

This course teaches participants how to use ethical visualization principles and practices to visualize treacherous, or culturally problematic, data. Such data includes racist historical documents, ideologically laden materials, culturally controversial texts, politically charged topics, gendered works, etc. Aimed at people who work with culturally sensitive datasets, and those who are interested in critical reflection on visualization practice, the course will combine hands-on activities and discussion. Participants will create data visualizations using R Studio Cloud and instructor-provided stock code, and then interrogate their visualizations, identifying the extent and severity of the ethical pitfalls they inevitably contain.

This class takes place over two days. The second part deals with greater complexity.


  • Please make sure to bring your laptop, because you will need your own computer to participate fully. The tools we will be using will work on Linux, Windows, or Mac OS. However, ChromeBooks, tablets, iPads, and phones will not work.
  • We will provide data for exercises, but if you have a project in mind or a data set you'd like to work with, please bring it with you! We look forward to speaking with you about the challenges your data present for ethical visualization, and how we can overcome them
  • Please be on the lookout for updates to our code repository on github before next Wednesday:

Yes YOU can! Build a full-function research database (and a data-driven website) in half a day!

Instructor: Ian Johnson (University of Sydney)

Nearly every Humanities project, from PhD research to large collaborations, needs database(s) to collect and manage information, as support for analysis and visualisation, and increasingly to publish on the web and as part of a Data Management Plan (DMP). Spreadsheets don't cut it, and building a serious database is technically demanding and/or expensive and it takes time to get up to speed. This workshop will free you from those constraints by showing you a simple, powerful, flexible, code-free alternative.

Heurist ( is a mature, free, open source, non-commercial, easily-sustained Humanities infrastructure in use by more than 100 DH projects, from major collaborations to personal research. YOU can design and build your own databases in just a few hours without coding, using only a web browser. The databases you build are not just simple data stores, but fully functional web applications with linked data, sophisticated searches, maps, timelines, networks, reports, exports, archiving, ready-made DMP, and an (optional) public CMS website embedding database functionality.

In this half-day session you will build a rich database with a couple of dozen linked entity types, enter data, create and visualise searches, and create a public website from the database. What you build won't just be a toy database but a starter set for your (or your research group's) project(s), which you can begin using immediately and grow and adapt as your needs (and expectations) evolve.

Open Tools for Open Data

Instructor: Luis Meneses (University of Victoria, Canada)

This course provides a hands-on introduction to the use of computer algorithms and Open Source software libraries that can be applied to corpora of Open Access (OA) documents. As a hands-on course involving active participation, this course is based on Python and Apache Spark. On the theoretical side, this course will help participants gain an understanding of the applications and implications of mining OA scholarly communications to afford the greater accessibility to the results of research.This course is geared towards an interdisciplinary audience invested in the open development and sharing of research output.

Bio: Luis Meneses is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Victoria and Assistant Director (Technical Development) of the ETCL. He is a Fulbright scholar, and currently serves on the board of the TEI Consortium and on the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries. His research interests include digital humanities, digital libraries, information retrieval and human-computer interaction. His research at the ETCL focusses on the development of tools that facilitate open social scholarship.

Introduction to Python

Instructor: Luis Meneses (University of Victoria, Canada)

Python is an open-source general purpose programming language that, is powerful, fast, plays well with others, runs everywhere, and is friendly and easy to learn. Python was designed by Guido van Rossum to be human-readable and highly extensible. It is widely used for web applications, software and video game development, scientific and mathematical research, artificial intelligence applications, among others.This is an introductory course designed for any individual interested in using computation to enhance their problem-solving abilities.

No prior experience in programming is necessary. Participants will use their problem-solving abilities to implement programs in Python.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop a basic understanding of programming and the Python programming language.
  • See the value of programming in a variety of different disciplines.
  • Appreciate the value of experimentation.
  • Be comfortable with the fact that there is more than one right solution to a problem. Have fun!

Bio: Luis Meneses is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Victoria and Assistant Director (Technical Development) of the ETCL. He is a Fulbright scholar, and currently serves on the board of the TEI Consortium and on the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries. His research interests include digital humanities, digital libraries, information retrieval and human-computer interaction. His research at the ETCL focusses on the development of tools that facilitate open social scholarship.

Introduction to Linked Open Data

Instructor: Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller (ANU)

The aim of this workshop is to introduce the concepts and technologies behind Linked Data and the Semantic Web to aspiring digital humanities researchers looking to use Linked Data in their reserach. Participants will learn to publish their data so that it is available in these machine-readable forms for reuse by other humanities scholars, as well as to access Linked Data resources provided by others.Participants will be introduced to the underlying theoretical concept that underpin the Linked Data information publication and representation paradigm. This is complimented with practical, hands-on components, where participants are introduced to a selection of possible tools, inluding Protege, Web-Karma, and Blazegraph. Participants will be tasked with the challenge of completing the entire RDF-production workflow, starting with tabular data, and culminating in uploading the RDF they have produced into a triplestore, writing SPARQL queries to retrieve and edit this RDF!

Please note that while this class was previously advertised for the full week, it has now changed to run all day Thursday only.


Dr Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller is a lecturer in Digital Humanities at the Centre for Digital Humanities Research at the Australian National University. Her research involves the use of Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies to support and diversify scholarship across a range of topics in the Digital Humanities. This will be her third time running this workshop at the Digital Humanities Down Under Summer School, having taught its equivalent at the Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School for the last five years

Web Maps and Humanities

Instructor: Bill Pascoe (Newcastle University)

This course introduces beginners to using web mapping systems for humanities research with practical worked examples. Learn about the diverse techniques in humanities web mapping, such as detecting place names and mapping corpora of texts, layering datasets, geodata formats, handling multimedia, visualising quantitative geodata, interpreting metrics, change over time and mobility. We'll discuss common mapping terms and techniques, approaches to common problems facing humanities researchers, and an overview of what tools can be used for different purposes. No prior experience with coding, web development or GIS is needed, though an introductory coding course is recommended.

Bio: Bill Pascoe is a Digital Humanities specialist at the University of Newcastle, currently the system architect for the national DH infrastructure project, 'Time Layered Cultural Map'. He has been a leader and contributor in innovative and high impact DH and eResearch projects, including the Colonial Frontier Massacres project, the EMWRN archive, ELDTA endangered languages and IA stylometry software, through the Centre For 21st Century Humanities and the Centre for Literary and Linguistic Computing. His education is in English, creative writing, semiotics and philosophy and his work is in eResearch focusing on web and software development projects with experience across finance, water engineering, science, health and humanities.


The following are recommended for the mapping course. If you don't want to create a Google account or don't have admin access to install, you can still follow the course and work through some parts.
- Google Earth Pro for desktop
- A plain text editor such as Notepad++ or Sublime. If you don't have one try Komodo Edit (Make sure you get the *free* version)
- A Google account (to access Google MyMaps and Google Earth Web)

Photo to 3D to Augmented Reality: Free and Easy

Instructor: Hafizur Rahaman (UNESCO Research Fellow, Curtin University)

This workshop/course is aimed for beginner to intermediate user, to show the step-by-step process of creating highly detailed and accurate 3D models with texture through Photogrammetry with free and open source software (FOSS). Following this process, participants will be able to re-create an accurate, proportionate and textured 3D model of a real-world object. With the right workflow and pipeline, this method can save a significant amount of time in 3D modelling with compare to manual modelling and texturing.

In this workshop, the participants will learn how to photograph objects systematically followed by having hands-on experience on processing these photos to a 3D model (by using Regard3D), editing and texturing the 3D model (by using Meshlab), and storing and sharing them in online web-platforms. They will also learn to view the 3D model in Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (AR/VR) environment by using Sketchfab service/app.  The step-by-step tutorial will be shared as a .pdf document during the workshop. A video of the course overview can be accessed at

Bio: Dr Hafizur Rahaman is a UNESCO Research Fellow at Media Culture and Creative Arts, in the Humanities Faculty of Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. He has joined Curtin from positions at the University of Newcastle and the NSW Government Office of Environment and Heritage. He has a PhD degree on ‘Digital Heritage Interpretation’ from The National University of Singapore with experience in teaching, research and computation. He is a founding member of ICOMOS Bangladesh and specialised in documentation, visualization and assessment skills in built heritage and place management. He taught in the Architecture Discipline, at Khulna University, and worked with the local development authority (KDA, Bangladesh), museum (Khulna, Bangladesh) and heritage institute (TTCLC, Melaka, Malaysia) to manage and interpret the local heritage and online digital asset collection and preservation.  He has researched widely in Cultural Heritage, Augmented Reality, 3D modelling, and other associated areas, and was awarded the best paper award from SIGGRAPH 2008 USA and CAADRIA 2010 Hong Kong.

His online course at Udemy on photogrammetry and 3D modelling “Photo to 3D to AR: Free and Easy” ( has been enrolled by more than 2000 students around the world and received excellent feedback.  His full profile is available at


  • You should bring your own laptop and need to have access to admin rights (i.e. the ability to install software)
  • Please download and install the latest version of Regards3D ( and Meshlab ( to your computer/laptop for the workshop.
  • You may also like to have a free account at Sketchfab (; however, you can do it during the workshop.
  • Dataset and all teaching materials will be provided.
  • Participants do not need to photograph an object during the workshop. The data set (photos) and the step-by-step tutorial can be downloaded from here.
  • For later practise free access to the full video tutorial will be provided.

Introduction to Project Management

Instructor: Lynne Siemens

Within the context of open social scholarship, this offering will cover the basics of project management from project definition to project review upon completion, including risk assessment and mitigation, work effort modeling, software tools and related internet resources and other topics. The course will be a combination of lecture and hands on activities with participants’ own projects.


Lynne's slides can be downloaded here.

There is also a handout.

Bio: Lynne Siemens is an Associate Professor with the School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, with research and teaching interests in academic entrepreneurship, project management, and team development.  A team lead for the Implementing New Knowledge Environments project, she also regularly leads digital humanities workshops on Project Management at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute and Leipzig, and serves as a facilitator / consultant to several research teams.

Theoretical Foundations for Open Social Scholarship 

Instructor: Ray Siemens (University of Victoria, Canada)

This half-day session explores the underpinnings of online, social knowledge formation and engagement from perspectives that include intellectual history, knowledge domain area expertise and academic authority, facilitation of qualitative assurance process, and beyond. Examples will be drawn from scholarly editing and areas identified by participants, largely with focus on Wikimedia’s Wikipedia and Wikibooks.


Take a look at some of the following resources, tools, projects:

  • Wikibooks: Open Books for an Open World. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Wikipedia: The Free EncyclopediaWikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Annotated Bibliography of Social Knowledge Creation” [Alyssa Arbuckle, Nina Belojevic, Tracey El Hajj, Randa El Khatib, Lindsey Seatter, and Ray Siemens, with Alex Christie, Matthew Hiebert, Jon Saklofske, Jentery Sayers, Derek Siemens, Shaun Wong, and the INKE and ETCL Research Groups. 29-264 in Alyssa Arbuckle, Aaron Mauro, and Daniel Powell, eds. Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities: Volume 1 NMRTS 7. Toronto / Tempe: ITER and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2017.]
  • British Library Additional Manuscript 17,492 (The Devonshire MS)
    • A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (BL Add 17,492). Eds. Ray Siemens, Karin Armstrong, Barbara Bond, Constance Crompton, Terra Dickson, Johanne Paquette, Jonathan Podracky, Ingrid Weber, Cara Leitch, Melanie Chernyk, Bret D. Hirtsch, Daniel Powell, Alyssa Arbuckle, Chris Gaudet, Eric Haswell, Arianna Ciula, Daniel Starza-Smith, James Cummings, with Martin Holmes, Greg Newton, Jonathan Gibson, Paul Remley, Erik Kwakkel, and Aimie Shirkie. Wikibooks and the Devonshire MS Advisory Group, 2012. 1394 pp. <>.
    • The Devonshire MS (BL Add 17,492) of Early Tudor Poetry. Eds. Ray Siemens, Karin Armstrong, Barbara Bond, Constance Crompton, Alyssa Arbuckle, Terra Dickson, Johanne Paquette, Jonathan Podracky, Ingrid Weber, Cara Leitch, Melanie Chernyk, Bret D. Hirtsch, Daniel Powell, Chris Gaudet, Eric Haswell, Arianna Ciula, Daniel Starza-Smith, James Cummings, with Martin Holmes, Greg Newton, Jonathan Gibson, Paul Remley, Erik Kwakkel, and Aimie Shirkie. Toronto / Tempe: Iter and Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 2015. xiv+519 pp.
    • The Devonshire Manuscript: A Women’s Book of Courtly Poetry. Ed. Elizabeth Heale. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series 19. Toronto: Iter Inc. and Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2012. xiii + 278 pp.

Bio: Ray Siemens (U Victoria, Canada; is Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Victoria, in English and Computer Science, and past Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing (2004-15); in 2019, he is also Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Loughborough U and Global Innovation Chair in Digital Humanities at U Newcastle (2019-22). He is founding editor of the electronic scholarly journal Early Modern Literary Studies, and his publications include, among others, Blackwell's Companion to Digital Humanities (2004, 2015 with Schreibman and Unsworth), Blackwell's Companion to Digital Literary Studies (2007, with Schreibman), A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (2012, 2015; MRTS/Iter & Wikibooks, with Crompton et al.), Literary Studies in the Digital Age (2014; MLA, with Price), Doing Digital Humanities (2017; Routledge, with Crompton and Lane), and The Lyrics of the Henry VIII MS (2018; RETS). He directs the Implementing New Knowledge Environments project, the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, and the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab, and recently serving as a member of governing council for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, as Vice President / Director of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences (for Research Dissemination), Chair of the MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions, and Chair of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations.

React Native 101: Android/iOS App Development

Instructor: Jesse Tran (Western Sydney University)

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook, based on Javascript. It can be used to develop Android and iOS applications, and is used by many popular apps including Instagram, SoundCloud, Wix, and Jar of Quotes. This course will cover the fundamentals off creating an offline standalone app; installation, coding, and deploying to Android and/or iOS. Students will finish the course with their own runnable apps, each containing a home screen, several inner screens, a menu, and design. It is advisable for students to have a basic understanding of Javascript, however this course will run as though students have no understanding of it.

Bio: Jesse Tran is a computer scientist who enjoys developing software and applications for a whole range of purposes, from data visualisation, entertainment, education, and AR/VR.


Follow the instructions here.

In summary:

  1. Download & install Node.js and NPM.
  2. Download & install Yarn (via HomeBrew, MacPort, etc. as described in link).
  3. On your Android/iOS phone, download the Expo app from the App Store.