Student Contribution calculations

The official amount of your Student Contribution is recorded on your electronic Statement of Account (eSOA), however you can work out your fees in advance. The amount you pay depends on which student contribution band your subjects of study are in and the credit points or Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) for that subject of study. For subjects that have 0 credit points, or 0 EFTSL, you do not pay a student contribution.

To calculate your student contribution you will need:

  • Student Contribution bands for each subject you are studying
  • EFTSL for each subject you are studying
  • Student Contribution calculator

Student Contribution bands for each subject you are studying

To find out the Student Contribution Band for each subject you are studying you will need to visit the subject page for each subject in the Westerns Sydney University Handbook using the Subject Search. On the Handbook subject search page, simply type in your subject code and select the most recent version of your subject. At the top to the subject page you will see that subjects discipline, Student Contribution Band and its credit point value.

For example: Subject 100100, French 101 is in the discipline of Languages and has a student contribution band of 1. The subject listing also shows you that the subject is worth 10 credit points (cp).

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EFTSL for each subject you are studying

The number of credit points required for you to successfully complete your program can be found on your programs handbook page

As mentioned above, you can find the credit point value of your subjects on each subject's handbook page.

The Equivalent Full Time Student Load for one year of full time study in all programs of study at Western Sydney University (except at The College) is 80 credit points. This means that:

80 credit points = 1 EFTSL
40 credit points = 0.5 EFTSL
30 credit points = 0.375 EFTSL
20 credit points = 0.25 EFTSL
10 credit points = 0.125 EFTSL

For example: Subject 100100, French 101 has a credit point value of 10, and an EFTSL of 0.125.

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Student Contribution Calculator

The formula for determining your student contribution amount for a subject of study is:

Student Contribution Band amount for a place for that subject of study.
multiplied by
the EFTSL of the subject

All student contribution amounts are rounded down to the nearest dollar.

For example: $6,566.00 (Student Contribution Band 1 2019 amount for a place) x 0.125 EFTSL = $820.75 (100% student contribution for that subject of study). With rounding, the amount you would pay is $820.00.

Student Contribution Band 2 is $9,359.00 for a place, thus $1169.00 per subject and Student Contribution Band 3 is $10,958 per place and $1,369.00 per subject.

Subject EFTSL values and Student Contribution Bands can be found on the University's Handbook (opens in a new window).

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