Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN)

Your Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) is your official record of your fees charged, amounts paid, fees deferred and enrolment.

When is a CAN produced?

An electronic version of your Commonwealth Assistance Notice (eCAN) is available via My Student Records (MySR) within 28 days of the approved census date. The University does not provide hard copies of CANs to students.

What information is included in my eCAN?

Your eCAN includes information about the program and subjects you are enrolled in for the teaching term, your liabilities and payments. Your CHESSN (Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number) is also on your eCAN so you can make enquiries direct with DEEWR at the Study Assist (opens in a new window) website should you need to.

Other information you will find on your eCAN includes:

  • Subjects of study enrolled in at the census date for that notice's census date
  • Total Equivalent Full time Student Load (EFTSL)
  • Total amount by which the Student Learning Entitlement is reduced
  • Student charges (Commonwealth Assistance amount)
  • HECS-HELP discount
  • Upfront or partial payments
  • HECS-HELP debt
  • FEE-HELP assistance
  • FEE-HELP loan fee (applicable to undergraduate students)
  • OS-HELP assistance
  • OS-HELP loan fee amount

An explanation of all terminology used on an eCAN is shown below

What do I do if there is a discrepancy?

You are required to check your notice for any discrepancies.

If any information is incorrect, you need to submit a Fee enquiry request via WesternNow within 14 days of the date of issue on the eCAN, specifying the discrepancy.

eCAN terminology

Person and Program details

The teaching term that the CAN relates to.

Date of issue
The date the CAN was issued to the student. The student has 14 days from this date to advise the University in writing if they feel there is some error on the notice.

Student No.
The student's Western Sydney University identification number.

The Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number as supplied by the DEEWR.

Student program attempt details (code and title) for any program that is Commonwealth supported and/or Commonwealth assisted.

Defines a particular group of students in a specific program.

Subject details

Subject details
Details for any student subject attempt that is Commonwealth supported and/or Commonwealth assisted.

Subject code and title.

Census date
Census dates for the teaching term in which the student subject attempt is being studied.

Teaching term
The teaching term in which the student subject attempt is being studied.

The 'Equivalent Full Time Student Load' for the student subject attempt.

Student status
The student status (deferring or paying your student contribution upfront) for the student subject attempt.

Credit points
Credit point value of the student subject attempt.

Contribution band
The contribution band for the student subject attempt. This is only applicable to Commonwealth supported students.

SLE consumed
The amount of Student Learning Entitlement that has been consumed because of studying this subject. This is only applicable to Commonwealth Supported Students.

The total EFTSL for the period.

Total SLE consumed
The total 'Student Learning Entitlement' that has been consumed in the teaching term. This is only applicable to Commonwealth Supported Students.

Liability details

Subject code
The subject code and version for the student subject attempt that has incurred the liability.

Student contribution amount/tuition fee $
The dollar amount of the full student contribution/tuition fee for the student subject attempt.

Sponsor amount
The dollar amount for which the student subject attempt has been sponsored. This does not include any Commonwealth assistance.

Student up-front payment $
The dollar amount that has been paid for the student subject attempt.

HECS-HELP discount $
The dollar amount of any discount that has been received due to payment(s) made for the student subject attempt student contribution. This is only applicable to students who are eligible for HECS-HELP.

HECS-HELP debt to ATO $
The dollar amount of student contribution for the student subject attempt that will be reported to the ATO as HECS-HELP debt. It is the student contribution amount less any sponsorship, payments made and discount received. This is only applicable to students who are eligible for HECS-HELP.

FEE-HELP assistance $
The dollar amount of tuition fee for the student subject attempt that will receive FEE-HELP assistance. This is only applicable to tuition fee paying students who are eligible for FEE-HELP and have not paid their tuition fees fully up-front.

FEE-HELP loan fee $
The dollar amount of any FEE-HELP loan fee incurred by the student for the student subject attempt. FEE-HELP Loan fees are only charged to undergraduate tuition fee paying students that have taken advantage of FEE-HELP assistance for the student subject attempt. The amount of the loan fee is 25% of the FEE-HELP assistance amount.

FEE-HELP debt to ATO $
The dollar amount of the tuition fee for the student subject attempt (plus any loan fee where applicable) that will be reported to the ATO as FEE-HELP debt. It is the tuition fee less any sponsorship or payments made plus the FEE-HELP Loan fee. This is only applicable for students who are eligible for FEE-HELP assistance.

Total liability to ATO $
The total Liability reported to the ATO for the student subject attempt.

Total student contribution amount/tuition fee
The total student contribution amount/tuition fee for the period.

Total sponsor amount
The total sponsor amount for the period.

Total student up-front payment
The total up-front payments made for the period.

Total HECS-HELP discount
The total HECS-HELP discount accrued on the payments for the period. Only applicable to HECS-HELP students.

Total HECS-HELP debt to ATO
The total HECS-HELP debt being reported to the ATO for the period.

Total FEE-HELP assistance
The total FEE-HELP Assistance received for the period.

Total FEE-HELP loan fee
The total FEE-HELP loan fee for the period.

Total FEE-HELP debt to ATO
The total FEE-HELP debt being reported to the ATO for the period.

Total of the total liability to ATO
The total liability being reported to the ATO for the period.