InPlace - About available opportunities

Your institute may use InPlace to periodically advertise internships, projects, volunteering positions, seminars and so on that you might be interested in. These are known as 'Opportunities' in InPlace.

As part of the application process you might have to:

  • apply through InPlace to your institute, attaching any relevant documents such as your CV, or
  • register your details through InPlace (typically used for events such as seminars or conferences)

You’ll see which method to use once you open an opportunity and view its details.

If there are a number of related opportunities on offer you may also be allowed to rank them in preference order.

Once you’ve applied or registered for an opportunity, your application goes through a review process, which may require you to attend interviews. Your application status will change accordingly (for example, Registered, Applied, Unsuccessful, Pending, Interview, Successful and Placed). The Notifications list on your Home page will keep you informed about its progress.

Depending on the type of opportunity, if you’re successful the opportunity becomes a confirmed placement and you can view its full details on the Confirmed page in InPlace.