Did you know? Toys and play materials


Did you know that there are certain toys and play materials that support and aid infant and toddler cognitive development?

We've compiled a handy list for you broken up into three seperate age groups – two months, six months and one year of age.

Does your child play with any of the following toys or objects? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

From two months old
Crib mobile
Handheld sound making toys e.g. bell on handle
Adult-operated musicboxes
Music recording with gentle, regular rhythms, songs and lullabies

From six months old
Squeeze toys
Clutch and textureballs
Nesting cups
Stuffed animals and soft bodied toys
Large and small blocks
Pots, pans and spoons from the kitchen
Simple, floating objects for the bath
Picture books with realistic colour images

From 12 months old
Large dolls
Toy dishes
Toy telephone
Cars and trucks
Large blocks
Cardboard boxes
Hammer-and-peg toy
Push and pull toys
Riding toys that can be pushed with feet
Simple puzzles
Sandbox, shovel and pail
Shallow wading pool and water toys
Balls of various sizes