8 August 2018

The Board of Trustees met on 8 August 2018 in the Boardroom, Building EB, Parramatta South campus. A summary of matters discussed in the open session is provided below.

The minutes of the previous Board meeting held on 13 June 2018 (PDF, 1826.84 KB) (opens in a new window) were confirmed.

Items Considered by the Board

Chancellor's Report
Vice-Chancellor's Report 
MyVoice Staff Engagement Survey Results
Student Experience
Ethical Framework - Update
Academic Senate Update 

Chancellor's Report
The Chancellor spoke of his national speaking tour as National President of the Institute of Public Administration. The Chancellor informed Board members of a recent report co-authored by Professor Stephen Parker AO, National Sector Lead, Education at KPMG, which highlights the shortfalls of Australia’s current two-tier tertiary model (VET and Higher Education) and advocates for the restoration of a single demand-driven tertiary education system.

Vice-Chancellor’s Report
The Vice-Chancellor advised the Board about a number of issues, including Higher Education Policy, the anniversary of the Australian Human Right’s Commission report Change the Course, the latest position on student load, the American Solar Car Challenge, the renewal of the distinguished Professor Program, the Gender equality progress report and the post implementation review of Shared Services.

MyVoice Staff Engagement Survey Results
The Vice-Chancellor provided a summary of the 2018 My Voice Staff Engagement Survey results and next steps.

Student Experience
The Chief Student Experience Officer presented on the student experience, focussing on the  Student Panel and Voice of Student initiatives.

Ethical Framework – Update
The Board discussed a draft Ethical Framework for Governance and the importance of developing a University statement on academic freedom.

Academic Senate Update
The Chair of Academic Senate spoke to a number of matters, including including the
Professoriate Forum established in 2018, and the impact the introduction of the Master of Research Program has had on the awarding of the University for some programs.