The Conversation | Dr Omar Mubin: The technology in science fiction is not always what we want in the real world

Many technologies that we use today are inspired by science fiction films, sci-fi fans dream of having 'Star Wars' technology at their fingertips. However, in an article for 'The Conversation', Human-Machine Interaction Researcher, Dr Omar Mubin argues that we would be put off by the anthropomorphised technology depicted in contemporary sci-fi films.

"Anthropomorphism is preferred more in fictional robots as compared to real robots. Studies in human-robot interaction have demonstrated that humans prefer real robots to be discrete and not invade their private space; with some researchers speculating intimidation towards large robots to be the reason for this discomfort," says Dr Mubin.

Read more about technology in science fiction from Dr Mubin's 'The Conversation' piece here (opens in a new window)

Omar Mubin