Letting go of perfectionism workshop

Event Name
Letting go of perfectionism workshop
16 July 2014
09:30 am -
Penrith (Kingswood) Campus

Address (Room): XA.G.25 (day one) P.1.60 (day two)

University places great importance on performance and achievement. This can be especially hard to manage for people who have perfectionistic tendencies. Unlike high achievers, perfectionists can place expectations on themselves that are unrealistic. Sometimes the stress and pressure can be so great that even highly capable students consider 'dropping out' rather than handing in work that is not perfect. This two day group program, offered over two consecutive weeks, will help you to become more aware of the ways perfectionism may impact on your life. We will explore and identify thoughts and behaviour that contribute to and maintain perfectionism. Together we will discuss practical strategies to cope with perfectionism and begin to accept and embrace our 'humanness'.

You will need to attend both sessions.

Day one: Penrith (Kingswood) campus, Wednesday 16 July, 9:30am - 12:30pm

Day two: Penrith (Kingswood) campus, Tuesday 22 July, 9.30am – 12.30pm

Web page: http://www.uws.edu.au/workshops

Name: Anne Abbey
